Net Sales Analysis - Determining Generic Prescription Volume for a Third Party
The following procedure will assist you in obtaining the volume of your generic prescriptions for a specific third party versus all other third party. In Ontario, this procedure can be used to determine ODB vs. non-ODB volume for generic prescriptions.
STEP 1: Create the Net Sales Analysis report for generic drugs
- Open PharmaClik Rx Reports.
- Highlight Net Sales Analysis in the list of reports.
- Press the Next button.
- Enter a report period in the Start Date and End Date fields.
- Select the Generics Only checkbox in the Extended report criteria.
- Select the Detailed Report Type.
- All sections of the report become selected; you will only need the Gross Profit Totals section, therefore deselect Rx Count Section and Rx $ Value section (or leave all options selected if you would like to print the entire report).
- Press the Preview button. (Optional)
- Press the Print button.
STEP 2: Calculate the totals
For this step, you need the page sub-titled Sales and Gross Profit Summary. The indicator ‘Generic Drugs Only’ appears directly below ‘Sales and Gross Profit Summary’.
Note: If the indicator does not appear, you missed #6 above. Rerun the report following the steps listed above.
- Use the Rx Counts column to determine prescription volume:
- Total Generic Rx Volume = Grand Total at the bottom of the Rx Counts column
- Third Party's Generic Rx Volume = The highlighted Third Party's value in the Rx Counts column
- Generic Rx Volume for all other TPs = Grand Total Rx Counts - Third Party's Rx Counts
- Use the Rx Sales $ column to determine dollar volume:
- Total Generic Dollar Volume = Grand Total at the bottom of the Rx Sales $ column
- Third Party's Generic Dollar Volume = The highlighted Third Party's value in the Rx Sales $ column
- Generic Dollar Volume for all other TPs = Grand Total Rx Sales $ - Third Party's Rx Sales $
- Determine generic volume % for the Third Party:
- TP's Generic Volume % = (TP Generic Rx Volume x 100%) / Total Generic Rx Volume
- Generic Volume % for all other TPs = 100% - TP's Generic Volume %